Blogger or Wordpress

I did leave multiply. Now comes blogger.

I first came into blogger when working on my Graphic Design Firm CLICK ME. I wanted to incorporate more traffic that is why I made a blogger account and a multiply account of it.

Now before making the official website of Triga Studios, I was wondering on how I could have more traffic. Other ideas came with the former, to create other accounts. I have also learned about wordpress. Now I just discovered that Wordpress is divided into two.LOL and, I still don't know the difference (I think one is for free hosting...)

If I was asked if I will transfer or write my blogs on wordpress. The answer will be No, for now. Reasons are;
1. I still Don't know how to operate wordpress
2. I'm "comfortable" with blogger
3. I'm still learning on how to do business online. This is a step.

Everyday I accumulate more knowledge about things here in the internet. I've learned about LinkedIn (in which I pronounce it as lin-ke-din). Technorati! haha. Many stuffs.

I may try this one by one, but I won't make myself a slave to this technology. Hmm Now Im thinking if Im going to tweet, or not no tweet??

UPDATE: APRIL 13, 2011 

Yes, I'm now on a self hosted wordpress. :)

You can visit my site at

I also now have a twitter at 

I also have other blogs. At Beyond Pick Up, I share tips, techniques, learnings and realizations about meeting women. Visit it, I'm sure you'll learn something from it. 

My other site is a collection of Inspirational stories, quotes, sayings, movies, videos, etc. Visit it at Daily Inspirational Stories 


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