I've got a feeling

And so I have just closed one of my browser.

I need to revamp my life again. Words struck me and my own realization; I am capable of doing more and better things than what I am doing now.

Well I'm doing it now. Im writing again. Im listing things that I need to do. Like find the box of my guitar effects and after that immediately sell it so that I could buy a better one.

As for another part of my life. I just bought some polo. Is this a big deal?? Yes for me. Avatar is an important aspect of Pick up (learn more HERE). Right now im re learning pick up. I have been stagnant for quite a while. So from now on I need to buy "cool" clothes or accesories every week. Well after I have enough I'll stop and abuse it's utility until I need to buy again.

Why did I close my browser?? To free me from things that keeps me BUSY but not important.

That's it for now. Words ran out.


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