Seductress (prometry)

It is not because her husband is a count that he decides to seduce her,
or because she is stylishly dressed, or is desired by other men—the usual
reasons. He chooses her because, in her unconscious way, she has already
seduced him. A bare arm, an unrehearsed laugh, a playful manner—all
these have captured his attention, because none of them is contrived. Once
he falls under her spell, the strength of his desire will make his subsequent
maneuvers seem less calculated; he is apparently unable to help himself.
And his strong emotions will slowly infect her.

- Robert Greene

riddle in disguise
hidden behind the man's own tricks

a trap was made for


he displayed his vulnerability
weak in her advances,

he is helpless...

desire imposed!
uncontrollable beyond will
a slave of her art

this is his curse
a sweet curse
the sweetest curse that a being will hold on to
a hole waiting to be filled
a victim waiting to be slain

- Marco Lee


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